Benefits -
• Cost Effectiveness
• Resourcefulness
• Thorough Knowledge Base
• Experience
• Defense Attorney - save time and money on medically related cases.
• Plaintiff Attorney - ensure settlement commensurate with injury.
• HMO, TPA, Insurance Company - reduce liability and conserve medical resources.
• CPA - assistance with medical claims review and analysis.
• Government Agency - prevent fraud and abuse in usage of medical services.
• Self-Insured Private Corporations - retrospective and prospective review.
Elite Consulting specializes in cases where there are medical or scientific issues. We can assist defense and plaintiff attorneys, government agencies, insurance companies, healthcare facilities, civil and criminal investigations, and more.
We provide Legal Nurse Consultants - a registered nurse who draws on their own educational background and clinical experience to analyze, evaluate, interpret and render honest and ethical opinions to any medical-legal issue. We are a specialized member of your team whose professional contributions are often critical to achieving a fair and just outcome for all parties.
We can provide the following:
- assist with discovery
- conduct research
- review medical records
- identify standards of care
- prepare reports and summaries on the extent of injury or illness
- locate expert witnesses
- educate all parties involved
- and more